Health Benefits of Olive Oil

Over the centuries olive oil has been used in numerous cures and remedies.

However, only recently has medical science provided clear evidence of its health benefits. In fact, olive oil is effective in protecting the body and promoting general well being.

Here we list some of the main properites of olive oil, as reported in medical studies.

olive oil reduces the risk of heart disease (for example, heart attacks and angina) keeps blood pressure under control and prevents obstruction of the arteries;

olive oil reduces the overall levels of cholestorol, especially “bad” cholestorol;

the antioxidants contained in olive oil protect the body against cancer caused by free radicals. There is considerable evidence that olive oil reduces the risk of breast cancer, prostrate and intestinal cancer; while there is also growing evidence of its role in protecting against skin cancer. The high level of antioxidants present in olive oil also reduces the risk of arthritis;

olive oil reduces the risk of diabetes, controlling the level of sugar in the blood and preventing resistance to insulin;

vitamins A, D, K and E, as well as the minerals and polyphenols contained in olive oil, stimulate the immune system in responding to bacterial and viral attacks;

olive oil aids the digestion, helping to absorb vitamins and essential nutrients into the digestive tract. It also has a moderate laxative effect;

olive oil helps to prevent osteoporosis in adults by helping to absorb calcium and to mineralize the bones. In children it promotes bone development and growth;

olive oil promotes the development of the central and peripheral nervous system thanks to the high content of mono-insaturate fats. Scientific evidence shows that a high intake of olive oil is associated with a slowing down of memory loss due to age, dementia and Alzheimer;

olive oil in pregnancy plays an important role in the development of the baby.